I finally had the opportunity to spend a few hours photographing my sister’s baby, Shamaine Tea… just two days before I fly back to the states. Throughout my past 6 weeks in Malaysia, I didn’t have any chance to rest and I had been really sick the past week or so. However, I’d promise my sister I would photograph her baby before I leave for the states.
Shamaine is currently 8-month old. I like to call her “The Happy Baby” because she is by far the happiest baby I have ever met in my life. All I need to do is to smile at her, and she will automatically smile back at me. Further, she seems to respond to my smiles more than other folks, probably she is delighted to have an uncle that has a monkey face. Shamaine is so adorable and I always like to poke her tummy. 🙂 Somehow she tightly fits into her clothes of her age even though she is not overweight. In fact, I was told she is much taller than other babies of her age. Shamaine has one of the most lady-like cry. At times, I really didn’t know she was crying softly at her car seat.
Shamaine’s current best friend is a purple Barney plush toy. Everywhere she goes, you will most likely see Barney with her, either she will be biting Barney’s head or pulling its tail… the Barney dinosaur has no match against Shamaine’s wits. I’m not quite sure why my sister bought her baby a Barney… I mean, a baby girl should be playing with Barbie instead of Barney. Nevertheless, I’m very happy that Shamaine and Barney are best friend now, until Barney’s head gets bitten off.