Andrew & Jenna’s Engagement Party

We were invited to Andrew and Jenna’s engagement party on Saturday to capture some candid pictures of the guests. Since it was forecasted to rain on the weekend, we decided to move the family photo shoot a day earlier.

The weather on Friday afternoon was gorgeous. It was nice to be outside with just a light jacket for several hours. We did many different shots… some were the more “usual” poses and some were just plain silly. Not only we had a very photogenic couple, Andrew and Jenna were just really fun people to hang around with. We had our dinner (hmmm… tasty brats) at Kurt’s parents’ place before heading home.

When we arrived at 5PM on Saturday, the house was filled with guests. A gentleman who greeted us at the door asked “Whose side are we on?” and my response was “We are on nobody’s side and we are just here to eat free food” before casually proceeding into the house. Although it was very cloudy and hazy outside, it was a perfect day to do photo shoots. I managed to persuade Andrew and Jenna to do some group photos with all the guests. After all, gatherings like this don’t happen everyday. There were several speeches made by Andrew, Jenna and the parents from both side. I spent my time taking candid pictures the entire evening while hanging around the “cheese” table since I like cheese a lot. The dinner theme for the evening was Italian. So, we had incredible homemade lasagna dishes made by Jenna and her dad, and Tiramisu for dessert. We stayed until 9PM before we decided to call it a day. The best part of this whole thing is Jenna actually prepared us a big box of homemade twice-baked shrimp stuffed potatoes to take home. We actually tried that awesome dish for the first time during Aayden’s baptism celebration last summer and we remembered that since.

Andrew and Jenna, congratulations on beginning a new chapter of your lives!

Engagement Party
Love is in the air.
Make it rain!
One… two… three!
The entourage.
Jenna and Andrew.

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